You can return many eligible items sold on NOVA Electronics. When you return an item, you may see different return options depending on the seller, item, or reason for return.
How do I change my password?
Would you like to change your password? No problem.
Log in to your user account ‘My account’, go to ‘Account settings’ and click on ‘Modify my details'. Here you can change your password. We advise against using special characters (ẫ, Ề, ệ, ồ, ỳ, ẵ, etc.) in your password.
What is Delivery Guarantees?
If we provide a guaranteed delivery date and a delivery attempt isn't made by this date, we'll refund any shipping fees associated with that order.
How do I change your Order Information?
You can update the shipping address, payment method, and more, on orders that haven't entered the shipping process by visiting Your Orders in Your Account.
Report Something Suspicious
We take fraud, scam, phishing and spoofing attempts seriously. If you receive correspondence you think may not be from NOVA Electronics, please report it immediately using the contact us form.
I want to buy large and bulky items
When you buy a large item on NOVA Electronics, you can customize your delivery experience by setting your delivery preferences and selecting a preferred delivery date.